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  1. Conditions to be met by an Applicant

  2. Conditions to be met by The Certification International



An organization shall –

  • At all times comply with these Regulations

  • Submit an application for Registration on the prescribed form Conforming acceptance to all Terms & conditions as per this proposal Format for all addresses from which activities within the organization’s proposed scope of registration are arranged or carried out. It is the responsibility of the Applicant, to satisfy them the proposed scope of registration meets their requirements.

  • Use the Registered Symbol in accordance with the conditions defined in Appendix B.

  • Claim by implication that the organization is entitled to use it, or claim conforms to the relevant System only from the addresses stated on the Certificate of Registration and only in respect of the scope of the organization’s Registration outlined in the Certificate of Registration.

  • Maintain and document a System in accordance with the relevant System Standard and make available to The Certification International copies of all or part of the documented System should The Certification International require it for reference purposes.

  • Maintain a record of customer complaints & will give
    unrestricted access to the representatives of The Certification International. And Accreditation Body

  • Do not vary the relevant System under which any Certificate of Registration is issued during the period of the registration unless The Certification International have received notice in writing of its intention to do so and have received written confirmation from The Certification International that such variations do not render the Certificate of Registration invalid

  • Discontinue any use of the Registered Symbol, which is unacceptable to The Certification International and any form of statement of reference to the authority of the organization to be registered under the System, which in the opinion of The Certification International might be misleading.

  • Permit representatives of The Certification International & to the representatives of its accreditation body UAF for which the Accredited certificates have been issued unrestricted access during normal working hours to the premises where work which is subject to the Certificate of Registration is carried out, for the purpose of examining materials, processes, products, methods of test, records, data and systems or establishing that the procedures for termination of registration described in Regulation have been carried out.

  • Provide office accommodation for the duration of the audit and the organization’s Management Representative shall be present throughout the audit.

  • Nominate, for the approval of The Certification International, a management representative and one or more deputies authorized to act in the main nominee’s absences who shall be responsible for all matters in connection with the requirements of the Certificate of Registration and who shall, upon each visit by the representative of The Certification International sign a declaration to the effect that any changes in processes and procedures or other information relevant to the Certification have been notified to The Certification International.

  • Upon termination of the Certificate of Registration, however determined, forthwith discontinue the use of the Registered Symbol and all advertising matter, which contains it or any reference thereto. Any other documents in the possession of the organization, which bear reference to the Certificate shall, if The Certification International so requires, have such references erased.

  • An organization shall pay –

    • A fee for audit, surveillance, supervision, re-issue or endorsement of the Certificate of Registration and administration which are determined from time to time by The Certification International to be fair and appropriate directly or to the Marketing Representative and obtain of receipt from us on his/her behalf.

    • a final audit fee upon termination of the Registration, however determined, if such audit is deemed appropriate by The Certification International.

    • any additional costs incurred by The Certification International due to the organization’s non-conformity with the Regulations.



The Certification International shall –

  • Send a representative to the organization at their discretion but in any case not less than once in any year in which the organization is marketing and selling products or services for which registration is granted for the purpose of verifying that the obligations relevant to the Certificate of Registration are being carried out.

  • Give adequate notice of a visit by any The Certification International Auditor and/or audit team.

  • Notify the organization of any changes in an applicable Standard which in the opinion of the Certification Manager is reasonable and sufficient to modify or adjust its processes and procedures to meet the revised requirements.

  • Do not disclose any information or records concerning the organization, other than information which is in public domain. And shall not disclose any of clients’ information or records to anyone except to Accreditation Body i.e UAF for which the client has required the accredited certificate. TCI cannot disclose any information or records to other Accreditation body without written consent of client

  • Notify the organization at his discretion of customer complaints relating to the conforms of products, process or service with the order requirement

  • Maintain a register of organizations, which shall be available to the public at The Certification International’s Headquarters, Retaj Building No.10, Javan Street – 809, 3rd Floor, Office No.314, Al Sadd, P.O. Box:32170, Doha, Qatar  or at or at respective country office of the origin of the certifications.


The detailed procedure and information describing TCI audit processes and certification processes for granting, maintaining, extending, renewing, reducing, suspending or withdrawing certification, and about the certification activities, types of management systems and geographical areas in which TCI operates can be obtained on request by sending email to

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