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Seed knowledge | Harvest understanding

Experience in industry, leadership in research, track record of successful transformations

"Knowing is not understanding. There is a great difference between knowing and understanding: you can know a lot about something and not really understand it."


ALIF in the final stage combines data science, marketing science and behavioral science. Using machine learning, data evolves into information. When the correct analytics are applied, information becomes actionable intelligence. Guided by leaders from research, academia and industry, ALIF is designed to be a simple and effective transformation. Simple–but not easy. Nothing worth doing is ever without effort: At the end, however, your organization gains not only operational insight and sector oversight, but internal understanding and marketplace wisdom.







Agile Transformation + Growth

"The less connected you are from what is objectively true, the less likely you will be able to make decisions that will benefit your life, the life of your family, and even civilization itself."



Quantifiable Results

Automotive sector


100% - 250% RoI

on Marketing

• Better selection of marketing instruments

• Better dosage

• Precise application

150% - 400% RoI

on Features

5 Star Ratings



  • Best in Class Telematics (Connect)

  • Industry Benchmarks (JD Powers) 

  • “Most User Friendly” (Edmonds)

$25 Million p.a.

2400%-4900% RoI

Flex Lease Sales (PAYD/UB Insurance)


Higher Retention

Loyalty to brand, after sale

1 minute saved =

$14 Million p.a.

Customer Satisfaction and Savings

25% - 100% Faster

Service Throughput Time

95% local market fit

China • USA • Europe

25% more hits

20% faster development

Success stories with Fortune 100 firms:


  • Mercedes Benz (Germany, China, USA)

  • Deutsche Telekom

  • T-Systems

  • Sony

  • Renault-Nissan

  • Metro AG

  • Southern California Edison

The dandelion

Dandelion seeds are some of nature's most accomplished flyers. The trick behind the seeds’ aerodynamics is actually not about the bristles, but about the the gaps in between. High-speed cameras showed that, after air flowed up and around the pappus, it was quickly rerouted into the center of a swirling, elongated whirlpool–a vortex ring–that pushes the air back down toward the top, where it will ascend once more. This fast-moving funnel is so good at recycling air that it generates an ever-present pocket of low pressure just above the seed, pulling the seed ever upward against gravity. 


Like companies are not a single entity, but the interdependence of many people and functions, dandelions are not a single flower, but a colony of thousands of tiny ray flowers on a single head.

Agile management is a tool, which can be used to create a its own "vortex ring" of innovation and effective response to emerging tech. With the right tools and techniques, your organization will take advantage of the gaps and soar. Knowledge will take seed and flower into understanding naturally and organically. 

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